Robin Hoods Grave in Hartshead

Me and a couple friends decided to take the forbidden walk up threw the forest of Hartshead / Clifton and seek out the grave of the Great Robin Hoods.

The story goes; Robin Hood fired an arrow from his death bed. (which was a room in the house of the grounds) Just behind where the Three Nuns pub is on your way to Mirfield. Robin Hood of Sherwood Forest said where ever it lands he would like to be buried. So that happened, and above our a few images of our adventures finding it...

We also came across a tall hollow building that stands close by the grave. Completely hidden away and over grown with ivy and branches come from every angle.

The Wood carving about the door of the strange building reads 1800 something.  but we figured it has been replaced as it looks newer compared to the other decrepit and rotten pieces of timber.

Regarding Robin Hoods Grave.

It seems that someone took the pleasure of breaking threw the metal barriers around the grave.  Presuming; to did up poor Robin Hoods Body.

Also, the stone that lay above the ground of the grave was apparently placed there, as stone blocks that decorated the grave previously had mysteriously found them selves moved out of place.

To me the whole experience seemed pretty legit, but others may think it was just a ploy to fool the avid Robin Hood Believers.

If you would like to find the grave. You would have to sneakly walk from the house in between the scrap yard and the hotel (the one on the corner). walk directly up the hill and you'll find the grave hidden away in the trees somewhere to your left. The grounds are private property. so beware or angry landowners and farmers with guns.

heres the grave stone...


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